Print a Report to a File

If you have set up the proper printer driver for your system, you can print a report or a group of reports to a file, which you can then import into another program. Once the report is printed to file, you can open the report using any word processor. To print to a file, follow these steps:

  1. Open Sage 50 and your company.
  2. From the Reports & Forms menu, select the Report area.
  3. The Select a Report or Form window appears.

  4. Select your report, then select the Print button.
  5. Make sure the Generic/Text-Only printer is selected.
  6. Click OK to print.
  7. The Print dialog appears.

  8. Click OK again.
  9. The Print To File window appears asking for a file name.
  10. Enter a filename for the report and click OK.

    The default location of reports printed to a file is in the company data directory.

    When finished, you can open the file using any word processor. Formatting may have to be reapplied.