1096 Forms

Use 1096 forms to summarize the 1099 forms that you are sending to the IRS for your 1099-type vendors. The 1096 form is required whenever you submit paper 1099 forms.

When you mail 1099s to the IRS, you must group them together and attach a separate 1096 for each group of 1099s. Because the 1096 is a special machine-readable form, it should always be printed on preprinted rather than plain-paper forms.

Using the Preview and Print 1096 Form Filter Screen

When you choose to print or preview a form, the preview and print filter screen appears. You do not have to make any changes to this screen. You can click Print/Email or Print Preview to print, email, or preview the form based on the default filter settings. However, if you want to change the filter selections, you may do so using the different tabs on the filter screen.