Convert a Quote to an Invoice or Sales Order

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Quotes/Sales Orders/Proposals; then select Quotes from the submenu.
  2. In the Quotes window, select the List toolbar button, and select the quote you want to convert to an invoice or sales order.
  3. When the quote is displayed, select the Convert button. Sage 50 displays the Convert Quotes window.
  4. Choose what you want to convert the quote to. You have four choices:
  5. Note: If you delete a sales invoice, sales order, or proposal that originated from a quote, Sage 50 will delete the original quote as well. However, you will get a warning message and you can cancel out if you want. However, the quote will be retained in the following case: if a sales invoice is deleted, but the quote was converted to a sales order or proposal first. In this case, the sales order or proposal will be retained, and thus, the quote will be retained as well.

  6. After you select the option you want to use, click OK, and the quote is converted and the accounting information is updated.

When you convert a quote, the quote number is retained for reference. You cannot edit the quote in the Quotes task window, but you will be able to see what the original quote number was and view the original quote from the new task window. The Save, Print, Convert, Email, and Delete buttons will be disabled.

Tip: You can see what type of transaction a quote was converted to on the Quotes List. Click the List button on the Quotes window or from the main Sage 50 menu, go to Lists>Customers & Sales>Quotes.