Convert Sage 50 Company Data to a New Release Format

After installing a Sage 50 upgrade or update, the first time you open your company in Sage 50, the Data Conversion wizard may appear automatically.

Note: Sage 50's Data Conversion wizard only works for company data established in prior Sage 50 releases of equal or lesser versions.

I need instructions for converting QuickBooks data to the Sage 50 format.

Before Starting the Data Conversion Wizard...

Before you launch the wizard, there are some precautionary tasks you may want to perform.

  • Turn off screen savers, disable anti-virus software, and close all other applications. This will speed up the conversion process and avoid any errors.
  • Make sure you have ample space available where your data is located before converting your company. The conversion may require up to three times the size of your company data to convert successfully, depending on the version you are converting. For example, if your company is 6 MB, make sure 18 MB of hard disk space is free. Sage 50 uses the extra space temporarily while converting.

Also, while the wizard requires that you back up your company data during the conversion process, you can do so before launching the wizard if you prefer. In either case, backing up company data is highly recommended. Never overwrite an existing conversion backup. How do I back up my company data?

Note: Since the conversion process may take a while to complete, we recommend that you start the process before lunch or at the end of your business day, making sure you leave the computer running.

Starting the Data Conversion Wizard

Use this procedure to convert your company data to the new Sage 50 format.

  1. From Sage 50's File menu, select Open Company. If your company is in a prior release format, the Data Conversion wizard appears. If it does not, data conversion is not necessary.
  2. The Data Conversion wizard walks you through the process of converting your company data to an updated format. At every point in the process, the wizard makes your options clear and tells you the consequences of every action you might take. The first window, Data Conversion Wizard - Introduction, informs you that your company data needs to be converted.

  3. Once you've finished reading the introductory text, click the Next button to go to the next window in the series, Data Conversion Wizard - Confirm Company.
  4. This window identifies the company you are about to convert, the location of your company data, and which version you are converting. After confirming the company you are about to convert, click Next to display the Data Conversion Wizard - Back Up window.

    Note: If you are not using SmartPosting as your posting method, the Data Conversion Wizard - Switch to SmartPosting window will display. On this window you can decide if you want to use SmartPosting or not. Once you have made your decision, click Next to display the Data Conversion Wizard - Back Up window.

    Sage 50 requires that you make a backup of company data and customized forms before converting to the new format. If something failed or there was a power outage, you could restore the backup and convert again. Also, it's a good idea to back up your old company data, which can be filed away for audit purposes.

  5. Select the Back Up button to start this process. Tell me more about this.
  6. After you back up your company, click Next to start the conversion process.
  7. Sage 50 displays the Data Conversion In Progress window, which shows the progress of the conversion.

    Warning! Do not interrupt the conversion or close the Data Conversion wizard! If you do, you may damage your company data. If you run into errors, refer to the data conversion troubleshooting tips.

    Once the data conversion is completed, a congratulations message appears confirming the success of the conversion process.

  8. Click Finish to open your company in the new format.

Complete this procedure for each company you created in a previous version.

Note: If multiple users have access to your company (Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher), all users will have access to the company in the new format. Though each user must install the Sage 50 upgrade or product update, the company data is converted only one time.