Drill Down on Transactions in Displayed Reports
You can display and edit transaction detail in certain reports. Double-clicking a transaction listed in a report displays the original transaction in its respective task window. This is called "drilling down." You can modify the transaction (if allowed), save or post the new transaction, and return to the report window. This feature is quite useful if you need to display or edit detail for a filtered group of transactions.
- Only certain reports that display transactions (journal entries) have drill-down functionality.
Move your mouse pointer over the list of transactions. You'll notice a box around the lines containing transactions.
When you move the cursor over transaction lines, Sage 50 displays the box, and the cursor changes from an arrow into a magnifying glass with a "Z" in the center.
- Double-clicking a transaction with the magnifying glass displays the original transaction in its respective task window. You can choose to view or modify the transaction here.
If you edit the transaction, select Save. Then, close the task window.
When you close the respective task window, Sage 50 displays the Report window once again.
Note: If you modified the transaction you drilled down to, the report is updated for you.
- Select another transaction to drill down in the displayed report or close the report window.