Sage 50 Intelligence Reporting Licensing

When you purchase Sage 50 Intelligence Reporting, you automatically get one license. You may purchase additional licenses, if you want to.

Note: Don't worry. Deleting a license does not get rid of it. It just un-assigns it so it is available for the next user that accesses Intelligence Reporting.

Because License Manager is part of Intelligence Reporting, someone who has an assigned license must go in to delete an assigned license. Can I delete a license if it is assigned to me?Closed Yes. This frees up the license so you can use it on another computer or another user can use it.

Important! Once a license is assigned to a Sage 50 user and computer, it stays assigned to that user and computer unless it is deleted in License Manager.

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Using Intelligence Reporting

Intelligence Reporting standard reports

Intelligence Reporting security

Intelligence Reporting components

Intelligence Reporting help