Restore Wizard - Restore Options
You can restore any combination of these options:
Company Data: Restores all your data (customers, vendors, inventory items, etc.), transactions, and other information you have entered into the company.
Warning! If you are restoring to a new company, and you don't restore Company Data (this option is selected by default) you will end up with just a folder of forms and/or Web transactions. A new company will only be created by restoring Company Data.
- Customized Forms: Restores any forms (invoices, checks, etc.) that you have customized, or saved with a new name.
- Web Transactions: To restore all Web transactions in the Sage 50 Web Transaction Center, select the Web Transactions check box. All unprocessed Web transactions (those listed in the Inbox list and Exceptions list) that were synchronized using the WebSync wizard after the date of the backup will be lost.
Intelligence Reporting reports: Restores all Sage 50 Intelligence Reporting reports. This includes the standard Intelligence Reporting reports and any reports that you have created using Sage 50 Intelligence Reporting. Standard reports will be replaced with the most recent versions available, but custom reports will be replaced with the set of reports included in the backup.
Warning! If you choose to restore Sage 50 Intelligence Reporting reports, any custom Intelligence Reporting reports you have changed since the backup was made will be overwritten and any new custom Intelligence Reporting reports will be lost.
Before restoring your Intelligence Reporting reports, you may want to export your custom reports and save them in a different location. You can import them back in after restoring the company if you need to. To export and import Sage 50 Intelligence Reporting reports, go to Reports & Forms>Report Manager.
Click Next once you've selected your Restore options. Cancel closes the wizard without restoring.