How can I modify the information on the Cash Flow Manager?

You can modify and adjust the information that appears on the Cash Flow Manager in several ways:

  • Check or uncheck items that appear as fits your business situation. For instance, a customer invoice might be checked and included as expecting incoming cash but you know you will not get paid for it. So you can uncheck it so it is no longer included.
  • Add adjustment lines and amounts on the first line of each tab. In this way, you can project other income and expenses, such as purchases of office equipment that have not been made yet.
  • Click Change Cash Flow Settings and choose from several options that will change the types of transactions that appear on each tab, as well as the way due dates are handled. You can change how invoice due dates are calcuated, what types of transactions get included, and so on.
  • Click in a Date or Amount field and change the value. In this way, you can adjust incoming and outgoing cash and when it will be received or disbursed.
  • Change the Time Frame and graph options to show balances, incoming cash, and outgoing cash.
  • Click a column Title to change the sort order of items in each grid.
  • Click Save to save all of your settings.

Note: Changing the due dates and amounts of transactions will NOT affect their actual due dates and amounts in the system; these changes will ONLY affect the data in the Cash Flow Manager.