Use the Sales/Invoicing window to enter invoices for customers. All entries made here are posted to General Ledger, customer records, and possibly job and inventory records. You have the choice of applying transactions to Jobs through the distribution list box.
You can also use this window to print an invoice for a customer and set up recurring invoices for customers. Sales/Invoicing allows you to enter as many as 500 line items per invoice.
Sage 50 has two standard invoice templates—one for billing for products and one for billing for services. In addition, you can customize your own templates.
Sage 50 has different methods for handling invoices that you send on a consistent basis.
Memorized transactions are like a template that you can quickly flesh out for specific transactions. They are not posted to the general ledger.
Recurring transactions are complete transactions you set up to happen on a set timetable—monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc. An example would be if you have a contract with someone to provide a monthly service.
You can also create a new sales invoice by copying an existing one.
If the customer has paid you at the same time you are entering the invoice, you can record an amount paid at sale on the Sales/Invoicing screen. You can enter this amount before you save the invoice and it will be reflected in the invoice total.
After the invoice has been saved, you can go to the Receive Money screen to record a payment for that invoice. On the Receive Money screen, you will select a customer and then select any invoices that the customer is paying.
Tip: If the customer is just paying one invoice, you can open that invoice on the Sales/Invoicing screen and click the Pay Now link. This opens the Receive Money screen with the invoice already selected to be paid.
Enter an Amount Paid at Sale on the Invoice
Apply a Customer Payment to an Invoice on the Receive Money Screen
If you bill many of your customers for the same service or fee, you can create the same invoice for multiple customers. This is called Broadcast Invoicing. You can create one invoice and broadcast it to multiple customers, instead of creating the invoices one at a time for each customer. (Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher)
Sage 50 has templates that let you customize Task windows. You can hide certain fields that you never use, such as Ship To fields. If you ever need those fields, just select the Layout button and select a standard template, like Product Invoice.
When you enter customer invoices in Sage 50, you can leave the Invoice No. field blank to have Sage 50 automatically assign invoice numbers to invoices when printed.
You can use the Track It panel to update the tracking status of a sales invoice (pending, approved, etc.), including assigning it to a specific user or all users that have a specific role in your company.
Sage 50 will print "duplicate" on the invoice if an Invoice Number has already been assigned to the invoice, either because it was printed before or because the Invoice Number field on the Sales Invoicing window was filled in prior to printing. On the Sales Invoicing window
- Complete the Invoice Number field ONLY if the invoice was printed outside of Sage 50, such as by hand.
- Leave the Invoice Number field blank if you plan to print the invoice you are entering. Sage 50 will automatically assign the next invoice number when you click Print and it will not print "duplicate" on the invoice.
Be careful when editing or deleting invoices. If you've already entered a receipt, you may need to first delete the receipt before you can edit or delete the invoice.
Note: If you delete a sales invoice that originated from a quote, Sage 50 will delete the original quote as well. However, you will get a warning message and you can cancel out if you want. However, the quote will be retained in the following case: if a sales invoice is deleted, but the quote was converted to a sales order or proposal first. In this case, the sales order or proposal will be retained, and thus, the quote will be retained as well.
Select the job and the phase and/or cost code to which this transaction applies. To do so
- In the Job field, click the folder button to display a drop-down list of available jobs, phases, and cost codes (if the job uses them).
- Click the folder for the job you want to apply these costs to. This will display the list of phases.
- Click the folder for the phase you want. This will display the list of cost codes, if there are cost codes associated with the phase you selected.
- Click the cost code you want to select, if necessary. This will close the list of jobs and select that particular job, phase, and cost code.
Note: Purchases of stock and assembly items cannot be applied to a job. These types of inventory items are applied to a job using Inventory Adjustments or Sales Invoicing.