This is where you enter a purchase request for items from a vendor. When you post a Purchase Order, you do not actually update any accounting information. The accounting information is updated only when you actually receive the items on the purchase order through the Purchases/Receive Inventory task, or if you're using cash accounting, when you pay the vendor.
Note: The vendor must already be entered in Maintain Vendors before you can enter a purchase order. To enter a one-time purchase from a vendor you don't want to keep on record, use Payments and leave the Vendor ID field blank.
Enter a purchase order to request items that you sell to your customers.
Sage 50 has templates that let you customize Task windows. You can hide certain fields that you never use, such as Ship To fields. If you ever need those fields, just select the Layout button and select the standard template.
If you want to send basically the same purchase order to a vendor a number of times, you can memorize the order. Memorized transactions are like a template that you can quickly flesh out for specific transactions. They are not posted to the general ledger. You can also create a new purchase order by copying an existing one.
The Autofill toolbar button lets you automatically add line items to the displayed purchase order for any low-stock items that you routinely order from the currently selected vendor.
You can choose to have Sage 50 automatically generate purchase orders, behind the scenes, when certain transaction involving inventory items are entered into the system. To set up auto-creation of purchase orders, you must choose one or more of the Auto Creation of Purchase Orders options on the Ordering tab of Inventory Item Defaults.
Besides the Purchase Orders window, you can use the Sage 50 Select for Purchase Orders option to generate POs based on inventory items you need to reorder. This lets you create POs for multiple vendors at one time, if needed. A series of selection criteria let you choose the items you want to include on the POs.
When you print a purchase order, do not enter number in the a PO No. field. Sage 50 automatically assigns a number at print time.
If you want to see how the purchase order will look when it is printed, you can preview the form beforehand.
You can use the Track It panel to update the tracking status of a purchase order (pending, expired, etc.), including assigning it to a specific user or all users that have a specific role in your company.