Printing Sales Orders Overview

Printing a sales order gives you the ability to confirm or acknowledge customer orders and fill orders more efficiently. You can use the printed sales order as a picking slip for warehouse personnel to mark up. One copy of the marked-up picking slip can be shipped with ordered items as a packing slip and another copy can be sent to the accounting department for invoicing.

As you enter sales orders in Sage 50, the Sales Order # field is automatically increased by one based on the last sales order entered. You can override the assigned number by entering an alternate number. However, you cannot have duplicate sales order numbers in Sage 50.

You can print sales orders one at a time from the Sales Orders window by selecting the Print button and you can print a batch of sales orders by selecting the Print drop-down button and then choosing Select Sales Orders to Print. You can also print a batch of sales orders at once from the Select a Report or Form window. Printing from the Sales Order window both prints and posts (or saves, if you use batch posting or SmartPosting) the sales order.

On the Select a Report or Form window, choose Sales Orders and Quotes from the Form Types list or choose Sales Orders, Proposals, and Quotes (Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher). The Forms list contains several types of predefined sales order forms from which to choose. Select the form that best meets your needs.

When selecting forms to print, you have the following choices:

When printing sales orders, you can choose to print all open sales orders (sales orders that have not been applied to an invoice), print all sales orders for a range of customers or dates, or to reprint previously printed sales orders based on a range of sales order numbers.

When you choose to print a sales order, Sage 50 automatically saves and posts the sales order.

Note: Sales order information is not posted to the General Ledger until you apply the sales order items to an invoice and post that invoice.