Print Packing Slips

Sage 50 includes a packing slip form so you can print packing slips to include in the orders you ship. Packing slips are a specialized version of the invoice. Note that you must print the invoices first, then print the packing slips for the range of invoices you just printed; otherwise, the word "Duplicate" will print on the invoices.

Note: Sage 50 sorts numbers one digit at a time. It is a good idea to assign numbers with the same number of digits. For example, Sage 50 sorts the following numbers in this order.






Make sure you perform your tasks in this order:

  1. Enter your sales orders. How do I do this?
  2. Print the Picking List report to "pick" the items needed to fulfill the order.
  3. Print your invoices. Sage 50 assigns the invoice # when they are printed. How do I print invoices?
  4. Print packing slips selected for a range of invoice #s. In the Select a Report or Form window, make sure Invoices and Packing Slips is selected in the Form Types list, then select Packing Slip from the Forms list. Select the Preview and Print button located below the sample image on the Select a Report or Form window. Make any necessary filter selections, then select Print/Email to print the packing slips.