Enter a Product (Standard) Sales Invoice

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Sales/Invoicing.

    Select the Layout toolbar button, and choose the predefined Product template from the pull-down menu.

    Note: This procedure assumes you are using the predefined Product template. If you choose a customized template, please adjust the instructions below accordingly. Learn more about templates.

  2. Enter or select the customer ID.

    When the customer is selected, Sage 50 supplies the customer default information, including billing and shipping addresses, sales account, shipping method, payment terms, and sales tax ID.

    Tip: If you haven't set up the customer, you can click the Add a new customer link to open the Maintain Customers/Prospects screen where you can enter the customer information.

  3. If this customer has open sales orders, the Apply to Sales Order tab appears in front. To enter new items on the invoice, select the Apply to Sales tab.
  4. Leave the Invoice # field blank if you want Sage 50 to print an invoice. Sage 50 will increase the invoice number by one when it is printed. Otherwise, enter an invoice number or other reference number. (If you print the invoice with an invoice number assigned or print it again later, the invoice will have the word DUPLICATE on it.)
  5. Enter the date of the invoice if it is different from the displayed invoice date.
  6. Enter the due date of the invoice if it is different from the displayed due date.
  7. Sage 50 will automatically enter the Contact and Ship To information for the address marked as Ship To Address 1 on the customer record. You can select another contact and shipping address from the choices available in the Ship To drop-down list, or manually enter another address in the Ship To fields.
  8. If you have entered a default P.O.# in the customer's record, it will appear on the invoice. If not, you can enter the customer's purchase order number now or change the default to any other piece of information that will identify this invoice to the customer.
  9. If you have entered a default shipping method in the customer's record, it will appear. You can select the Ship Via button if you want to select a different shipping method. You can also enter a ship date.
  10. Sage 50 uses the default terms you have entered for the customer, but you may want to select the Terms link to change the default discount dates or amounts for this invoice. When a receipt that qualifies for an early-payment discount is applied against the invoice, Sage 50 will calculate the discount.
  11. If you entered a default Sales Rep in the customer's record, it will appear. Otherwise, select the rate of the sales representative, if applicable.
  12. Enter the information for each item included on the invoice on a separate line, including the item's quantity, item ID, description, unit price (the number of decimal places is selected in Global Options), sales tax status, and job information.
  13. If the line item contains serialized inventory, you will need to select serial numbers for the item(s). Select the line item with the serialized inventory item, then select the Serial No button to enter or select serial numbers. The Serial Number Selection window appears. Select the serial numbers you need and click OK when you're finished to return to the Sales/Invoicing window. However, if the invoice has more than one line item that contains serialized inventory, you can click OK/Next to save the current entry and move to the next serialized item. (Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher)
  14. Select the job and the phase and/or cost code to which this transaction applies. To do so
    • In the Job field, click the folder button to display a drop-down list of available jobs, phases, and cost codes (if the job uses them).
    • Click the folder for the job you want to apply these costs to. This will display the list of phases.
    • Click the folder for the phase you want. This will display the list of cost codes, if there are cost codes associated with the phase you selected.
    • Click the cost code you want to select, if necessary. This will close the list of jobs and select that particular job, phase, and cost code.
  15. Continue entering line items until you have entered them all.
  16. Select the Apply tickets/expenses link to include job-expense transactions related to this customer on the invoice. Tell me more about applying tickets and reimbursable expenses.
  17. If yours is an accrual-based company, you can select the Accounts Receivable G/L account for this potential sale. On financial statements, this will be your accounts receivable asset account. If yours is a cash-basis company, this field will display <Cash Basis>.

    Note: If you have the Hide General Ledger Accounts global option activated, Sage 50 will not display the A/R Account field in this window. To modify the A/R account used for this transaction, you must click Journal.

  18. Select the Withhold Retainage tab and review any retainage amounts that have been calculated. If you need to change the Retainage % or Retain Amount for a line item, you may do so now. Tell me more about entering retainage on sales invoices. (Retainage is available only if you are using an accrual basis accounting company.)
  19. Select the sales tax ID for this sale.
  20. If you intend to charge freight for shipping this order, include an amount in the Freight field.
  21. If you have received a partial or full payment for this invoice at the time of the sale, select the Amount paid at sale link. Sage 50 displays the Receive Payment window, where you can enter receipt information.

    The Net Amount Due displays what the customer currently owes for the sale.

  22. At the bottom left corner of the window, the selected customer's balance, credit limit, and credit status is displayed. You can click the customer balance link to display the current Customer Ledgers report for this customer.
  23. Click Print if you want to print and save the invoice. Otherwise, click the Save button.