Lists Settings

You can use the Settings window to customize the columns that appear on your lists. You can add and remove fields, as well as rearrange their order. The settings you make here are saved on a per user, per company basis, so another user can have different settings for the same list.

Below is a description of the fields.

  • Available Columns: Shows you the fields that can be added to the list, but are not currently on the list.
  • Selected Columns: Shows you which fields are currently included on the list.

Note: You are limited with each list type to the fields that appear in these two boxes. You cannot add fields that do not appear in either box. See a list of fields that are available for the main lists.

Tip: You can select multiple fields at one time by using the Shift key (for contiguous items) or Control key (for non-contiguous items) and clicking. You can also double-click an item to move it from one box to the other.

  • Add: Click to add a selected field in the Available Columns box to a list. The field will move to the Selected Columns box.
  • Remove: Click to remove a selected field from the Selected Columns box. The field will move to the Available Columns box.
  • Move Up: Click to move a selected field in the Selected Columns box up. It will move the column on the list itself to the left.
  • Move Down: Click to move a selected field in the Selected Columns box down. It will move the column on the list itself to the right.
  • Reset Defaults: Click to reset the Available and Selected fields to their default settings. This option is not available for all lists.

Note: Fields with an asterisk next to them are calculated fields. Adding many of them to a list may slow down the performance of the list.