
You can use Lists to see full-screen lists of records and transactions for your company, including Customers, Contacts, Quotes, Proposals, Sales Orders, Sales Invoices, Receipts, Deposits, Credit Memos, Sales Tax IDs, Sales Tax Agencies, Vendors, Purchase Orders, Purchases, Payments, Write Checks, Vendor Credit Memos, Employees, Paychecks, Chart of Accounts, General Journal Entries, Inventory and Services, Inventory Adjustments, Item Sales History, Time Tickets, Expense Tickets, Jobs, Phases, Cost Codes, and Change Orders. There are also Lists for Notification Rules and Notifications.

These lists are extremely versatile and you can customize them by adding fields, deleting fields, rearranging the order of the fields, and changing the sort order of records. In addition, you can add, and edit records right from the list. Finally, you can perform several tasks using the data for a particular record. For instance, you can create a Sales Invoice from the Customer List.

To open a list

  • Select List from the menu bar; then select the list you want to open from the cascading menus.
  • Select the list option from the navigation aid.
  • Select List from a record or task toolbar.