Available in Sage 50 Quantum Accounting.
Work Tickets
Work tickets allow you to bring together all of the materials, both labor and parts, needed to build an assembly. Work tickets act as both information sources and tracking devices. After you select an assembly item and enter the quantity that you need, the work ticket provides valuable information about what’s required to complete the job. Work tickets list the quantity of materials needed to complete the job, the amount you have on hand, and the amount that is available. If you do not have enough materials to build an assembly, you can order them right on the Work Tickets window.

Once you enter a work ticket, you'll want to keep the assembly information updated. This includes tracking the number of hours it takes to complete the assembly and comparing them to your forecasted hours. As materials are received or labor items are completed, you can check them off as finished.

Once all of the assembly materials have been received or finished, you can close the work ticket.
When a work ticket is closed, a build record is automatically created behind the scenes, saving you time and effort. However, you will not have access to assembly build records created by work tickets. If you need to unbuild assemblies created by work tickets, you can either clear the Close Ticket checkbox on a closed work ticket or unbuild the items in the Build/Unbuild Assemblies window.

Sage 50 offers several different ways to determine how much of an item you have in stock.

You can use a printed work ticket to keep track of materials needed to build an assembly. Print out a closed work ticket and send it down to the shop floor when the assembly is ready to be build.