There are two ways to print payroll checks: individually and in a batch.
To pay a single employee and print a check
- Select Tasks, then Payroll Entry.
- Then select the area of the window you want help for.

Select the employee you want to pay using the lookup. Once you select an employee, Sage 50 will enter that employee's address information, as well as enter their default pay (based on settings on the Pay Info tab of Maintain Employees). Deductions will be calculated and displayed immediately if you have subscribed to a Sage Business Care plan (Gold or Platinum) or a monthly subscription.

- Enter or select the paycheck date for this payroll period.
- Select a cash account from which to write the paycheck (for example, Payroll Checking).
- Enter the Pay Period ending date.
Note: Leave the check number blank. Otherwise, Sage 50 assumes you wrote a manual check and will not print a check. If you print a check with a check number already assigned, the word "Duplicate" prints on the check.

- If necessary, change the employee's hours or salary amounts for the pay period. This would include adding overtime hours or bonus pay. Hours entered for salary employees is for reporting purposes and will not affect the amount of the check.
The default G/L payroll accounts that Sage 50 uses for each payroll field are based on the employee's defaults. To change the account ID, click in the field to display the lookup; then click the lookup and select another account.
Note: If you have the Hide General Ledger Accounts global option activated, Sage 50 will not display G/L Account fields in this window. To modify G/L accounts used for this transaction, you must click the Journal button.
- If the selected employee is set up for direct deposit, select the Direct Deposit check box to create a dire ct deposit payroll transaction and print a non-negotiable advice form notifying that a deposit has been made to the employee's account(s). Tell me more about the form, including purchasing information.
Tip: To check the number of bank accounts set up to receive direct deposit allocations for the employee and the percentage and amount of each allocation, click the Allocation Percent button .

If necessary, enter or change payroll field amounts. This would include entering vacation or sick hours taken by the employee during the pay period.
If you do not subscribe to a Sage Business Care plan, you will need to enter your payroll taxes and deductions.

When you're finished filling out the check information, select the Print button to print the check. How do I print a check from the Payroll Entry window?
If the employee is a direct deposit employee, once you save the payroll transaction you are ready to sync it for processing by the employee's financial institution.
Note: To ensure the accuracy of the information you will be syncing, you should always print the Direct Deposit Pre-Sync report before you sync either pre-notes or direct deposit payroll transactions.
To pay a group of employees and print checks
From the Tasks menu, choose Select for Payroll Entry. Sage 50 displays the Select Employees--Filter Section window. Select the section of the process you want help for.

- Select the pay frequencies, pay types, and the range of employees for whom you want to print checks.
- Click OK.Sage 50 displays the Select Employees to Pay window, where you can edit individual paychecks for hours, amounts, and pay frequencies (number of weeks).
- You can enter the date you want on the checks, the pay period ending date, and the cash account number from which you want the checks to be paid.
Note: If an employee is set up with the Hourly-Time Ticket Hours pay method (possible only in Sage 50 Premium Accounting and Sage 50 Premium Accounting), an asterisk (*) appears next to the employee's name in the Select Employees to Pay list (for example, *Steve W. Austin). The total hours displayed represent the total number of unused time ticket durations recorded during the selected payroll period.

- Select the Pay check box next to the employees you want paid.
- To select allPay check boxes, click the All (Select) button.
- To clear allPay check boxes, click the All (None) button.
Select the Detail
button to edit the account, amount, and hours for salaried employees, as well
as the amount and the hours worked for hourly employees.
If you do not subscribe to a Sage Business Care plan, you will need to click the Detail button to enter payroll taxes and other deductions for each check.
- Select the Report button to print a "pre-check" register that lists all payments that you have currently selected in the window. In other words, this is a list of employee paychecks that will be printed when you click the Print button. You can use this preview report to examine paycheck detail, approve selected employee checks, and prepare the check order before the checks are actually printed and posted.
- If an employee is set up for direct deposit, select the DD check box to create a direct deposit payroll transaction and print a non-negotiable advice form notifying that a deposit has been made to the employee's account(s). Tell me more about the form, including purchasing information.
- After making your selections, select the Print button. How do I print checks from the Select Employees to Pay window?
If you are paying direct deposit employees, once you close the window you are ready to sync the payroll transactions for processing by the employees' direct deposit financial institutions.
Note: To ensure the accuracy of the information you will be syncing, you should always print the Direct Deposit Pre-Sync report before you sync either pre-notes or direct deposit payroll transactions.