Build/Unbuild Assemblies
You use the Assemblies selection to build or unbuild quantities of assembly items in inventory. Assembly items are created using the Bill of Materials tab in the Maintain Inventory Items window. In Maintain Inventory Items, you name and create the assembly. In Build/Unbuild Assemblies, you actually put together or "build" the assembly from its component inventory items. You can also take apart or "unbuild" assemblies here.

Before you can build assemblies, you must first set up and define the items that will make up the assembly. You do this in Maintain Inventory Items.

The Build/Unbuild Assemblies window lets you either put together or take apart assemblies.

Once you set up an assembly item and have entered transactions that use the assembly item, you will not be able to change the Bill of Materials for that assembly item. However, you can create a new assembly item and copy the Bill of Materials from the original assembly item.

Sage 50 offers several different ways to determine how much of an item you have in stock.