Payroll Entry Fields
Access the Payroll Entry window from the Employees & Payroll navigation area, and select Pay Employees and then Enter Payroll for One Employee. You can also access Payroll Entry from the Tasks menu bar at the top.
The Payroll Entry window includes the following fields:

Enter or select the employee ID associated with this payroll transaction. To display a list of existing employees, type ? in this field or select the Lookup button. To add a new employee, type + or double-click the field, which displays the Maintain Employees/Sales Reps window.

This is the name and address of the employee that was entered through the Employees selection of the Maintain menu. You cannot change it.

If you want to print a paycheck, leave the check number box blank. If your checks are printed elsewhere, and entered into the computer for accounting reasons, enter a check number or other reference.

Enter or select the date of the paycheck, if different from the current date. The first day of the accounting period appears if you are not in the current period. You can only enter dates for new transactions in the current or future accounting periods.
Click the Calendar button to the immediate right of the Date field to choose a date.
Note: The date entered here reflects the check date, not necessarily the payroll period ending date.

This is a calculated field based on payroll field setup and their values; you cannot change it.

If the displayed employee is set up for Sage 50 direct deposit, this allows you to create a non-negotiable notification of deposit to the employee's account. The check box will be enabled if both your company and the employee have been set up for direct deposit and have approved pre-notes. Select the check box to print the notification form.

Select this to see direct deposit allocations for the displayed employee. The Direct Deposit Allocations window will appear. It lists the accounts chosen for direct deposit distributions, the percentage or fixed dollar amount distributed to each account, and the total dollar amount distributed to each account for the current paycheck.
Tell me more about setting up direct deposit account allocations for an employee.

Select the G/L account ID from which to pay the individual employee. This would generally be a cash account.
If you have the Hide General Ledger Accounts global option activated, the Cash Account lookup list only displays names of cash accounts currently set up in the chart of accounts. Select the cash account name to apply to this paycheck.
Note: If you want to apply an alternate G/L account (an account that uses an account type other than Cash) for this transaction, you must click the Journal button.

If you are using real-time posting, this displays the amount in the selected cash account based on the transaction date.
If you are using batch posting
If the
word Uncalculated appears
in this field, select to update the cash balance displayed.
This button is not available if you selected the Recalculate
cash balance automatically in Receipts and Payments global option.

Enter the last date in the payroll period for which this check is the employee's pay.
Note: If you are using Time & Billing and an employee's pay method is Hourly - Time Tickets, the pay period end date determines which time tickets to include on the paycheck. (Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher)

This number appears based on employee's pay frequency set up in Maintain Employees/Sales Reps. You can change this if it is incorrect. This information is used in some states' payroll tax returns.

Hourly Fields/Salary Fields: This shows the fields for hourly or salary employees. You cannot change it here, but in Employee Defaults.
Account: The account displayed for each employee hourly or salary field is based on either the individual employee setup and/or employee default information. To change the account ID, type ? in this field or select the Lookup button. To add a new account, type + or double-click the field, which displays the Maintain Chart of Accounts window.
Note: If you have the Hide General Ledger Accounts global option activated, Sage 50 will not display G/L Account fields in this window. The defaults set up for the employee are assumed. To modify G/L accounts used for this transaction, you must click the Journal button.
Hours/Amount: You can adjust the hours for hourly employees or adjust the amount for salaried employees. You have the option to enter hours for salary employees. However, this is for reporting purposes and will not affect the amount of the check.

Name: This is the name of the employee or employer field. You cannot change it, except in Employee Defaults.
Account: The account displayed for each payroll field is based on either the individual employee setup and/or employee default information. To change the account ID, type ? in this field or select the Lookup button. To add a new account, type + or double-click the field, which displays the Maintain Chart of Accounts window.
Note: If you have the Hide General Ledger Accounts global option activated, Sage 50 will not display G/L Account fields in this window. The defaults set up for the employee are assumed. To modify G/L accounts used for this transaction, you must click the Journal button.
Amount: You can adjust the amount of the field for this employee.
Memo: Some fields relate not to dollar entries but to notes or memos that appear on the paycheck, for instance about the number of vacation days used and remaining. Memo fields are indicated by a the word Memo on a gray background.

This identifies the adjusted gross that is used when calculating payroll fields. In most cases it is the sum total of all wages less any pretax deductions.