Recalculate Cash Balance Automatically in Receipts, Payments, and Payroll Entry (Maintain Global Options)
Remove the word "Uncalculated" if it appears as the cash balance in the Receive Money, or Payments, or Payroll Entry windows
Set up other global options for Sage 50
To increase performance and flexibility within Sage 50, you can choose to turn off certain options on the Accounting tab of the Maintain Global Options window. One such option is recalculating the cash balance each time you open the Receive Money, Payments, Write Checks, or Payroll Entry windows, or post/save a receipt, paycheck, or payment.
If you clear this check box,
displayed cash balances are not automatically updated as you post or save
receipts, payments, and payroll
entries. This can speed up data entry. The cash balances in the
Receive Money, Payments, Write Checks, and Payroll Entry windows display the word Uncalculated.
While working in these task windows, select in the Balance field to update the balance.
If you select this check box, the Cash Balance fields in the Receive Money, Payments, Write Checks, and Payroll Entry windows are automatically updated as you post/save receipts, payroll entries, and payments. The balance will appear as of the date included on the task window.
Note: The default setting of this option is ON (that is, the check box is initially checked).