Account for a QST Refund
If, after following the period-end procedures, you find that the government owes you a refund:
- If you have not already done so, create a customer record for the Ministère du Revenu du Québec.
- Create a new sales invoice.
- In the Home window, click Customers & Sales on the navigation pane.
- In the Tasks pane, right-click the Sales Invoices icon and select Create Invoice from the menu.
- Select the payment method:
By Cash
Select the bank account where the payment is taken from.
By Cheque
Select the bank account where the payment is taken from.
Enter a cheque number if different from the one displayed.
Pay Later
Select this if you have not yet received the refund.
- Select the Ministère du Revenu du Québec as the customer.
- Enter the amount of sales tax collected:
- In the Item Description column, enter the name of the tax you are collecting.
- In the Amount column, enter the amount of total sales tax charged as a negative number.
- In the Account column, click the list button
- Make sure All Accounts is selected, and select the <sales tax> Charged On Sales account, and click Select.
- Enter the amount of sales tax paid:
- In the Item Description column, enter the name of the tax you are collecting.
- In the Amount column, enter the amount of total sales tax charged.
- In the Account column, click the list button
- Make sure All Accounts is selected, and select the <sales tax> Paid On Purchases account, and click Select.
- Enter the amounts and accounts numbers for the remaining sales tax accounts, if you any.
- To check the transaction, on the Report menu, choose Display Sales Transaction Detail. The Accounts Receivable or bank account amount should be shown as a debit. (This is the amount the government owes you.)
- Click Process.
- If you selected Pay Later as a payment method in step 3, create a receipt when you receive the refund.
Note: On the Taxes tab, be sure to set the Tax Exempt status of each tax to Yes.