Create a Customer Record
To create a customer record:
- Open the Customer Records window.
- In the Home window, click Customers & Sales on the navigation pane.
- In the Tasks pane, right-click the Customers icon and select Add Customer from the menu.
- On the File menu, select Create.
- Type the customer's name in the Customer box.
- Click Save and Close.

Add the customer's mailing address
Add the customer's email address
Add the customer's ship-to address
the customer's default ship-to address
Select the customer's preferred language
Turn on statements for this customer
Look up your year-to-date sales for this customer
Add the date you started doing business with this customer
Add or modify a customer's pre-authorized debit bank account information
this customer to an Internal Customer

Assign a salesperson to this customer
Assign a department
to a customer
Select an account to use for revenues from this customer
Add early-payment terms for this customer
Add a standard
discount for this customer
Enter this customer's credit limit
Select a delivery preference for forms you send to this customer
Add Additional Information to this customer record