Available in Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher.
Update the Prices on a Price List
To update prices in a price list:

- In the Home Window, on the Setup menu, choose Settings.
- On the left side of the window, click Inventory & Services and then Price Lists.
- Click Update Price Lists, and in the Set box select the price list in which you want to change prices.
- In the Show section on the right side of the window, choose the item type that will be displayed in the list. You can also choose whether to show inactive items.
- In Set Prices For, select the currency that will be affected by the price changes.
- For each item you want update, type a new price in the New Price column.
- Click the Save Prices button.
- Click OK.

If you want to modify some, but not all, prices in any of your price lists, you can export the data to a spreadsheet program, where you can use any combination of formulas to the update the prices.

- In the Home window on the File menu, choose Import/Export, and then Export Records.
- Select Export price lists and click Next.
- In the Export File window:
- Enter a name for the file you are exporting.
- Enter a destination for the file you are exporting, or click Browse to navigate to a destination.
- Click Next.
- Enter the following details and then click Next.
- If you use more than one currency, choose the currency in which you want to export the prices.
- Choose the types of items for which you want to export prices: Inventory, Service, or both.
- Select the
items you want to export by clicking the
column beside each item. Click Select All to choose everything in the list.
- (Optional) To include inactive items, select the box.
- To select the price
list(s) you want to export, click the
column beside each list, or click Select All to choose all the price lists. Then click Next.
- Review the export log for errors. If the export was successful, click OK to save the file.
- Click Finish to close the wizard.

- The exported file was saved in a .TXT format. Rename it as a .CSV file to open it in a spreadsheet program.
- Open the file in the spreadsheet program and modify as required.
- Save the updated file.

- Choose Import/Export from the File menu in the Home window, then Import Records.
- Select Updated price lists and click OK.
- (Optional) To back up your company, click Back Up. Click Next when the back up completes.
- Enter the location of the file you want to import, or click Browse to locate it, and then click Next.
- Review the import log for errors and then click OK.
- Click Finish to close the wizard.

- In the Home Window, on the Setup menu, choose Settings.
- On the left side of the window, click Inventory & Services and then Price Lists.
- Click Update Price Lists, and in the Set box select the price list in which you want to change prices.
- In the Show section on the right side of the window, choose the item type that will be displayed in the list. You can also choose whether to show inactive items.
- Select how you want to modify the price list:
- In the Prices By box, select whether you would like to increase or decrease prices. In the box on the right side of Prices By, select the price list you would like to use as the basis for the price change. For example, you might set prices for the Preferred price list by taking 10% off the Regular price list.
- In the Prices box, select whether you would like to change the prices by a percentage or a fixed amount. In the box on the right side of Prices, enter a number by which you would like to increase or decrease the price.
- (Optional) To round prices to the nearest cent or dollar, select the Round Prices box, and select how you would like to round the final price.
- In Set Prices For, select the currency that will be affected by the price changes.
- Click
to select all the items on the list, or place checkmarks beside the items you want to modify.
- Click the Calculate button to calculate the new prices.
- (Optional) You can make changes to the calculation settings (by changing the percentage or amount, for example) and recalculate the prices.
- Click the Save Prices button.
- Click OK.
Note: If you are using FIFO inventory costing, prices based on Cost always use the most recent purchase cost to calculate price.