Transactions & Reporting > Sales (Money In) > Customer Records > Add or Change Early-Payment Terms for Customers
Add or Change Early-Payment Terms for Customers
There are three ways in Sage 50 Accounting to add or change early-payment terms for a customer:

Note: The early-payment terms entered in the settings is overridden by terms recorded in a customer's record or invoice.

- In the Home window, click on the Customer and Sales tab, and then the Customers icon.
- Double-click on the customer's name to open their record.
- On the Options
tab, in the Early Payment Terms section, enter:
- The discount rate
- The number of days within which an invoice must be paid to receive the discount
- The number of days within which the full amount of an invoice must be paid
- On the File menu, click Save.
- Close the customer record.

- Enter a sales invoice.
- Depending on the
payment method you have selected, there are different ways to enter the
payment terms or early-payment discount:
Pay Later
In the Terms box, add or change the early-payment terms.
Cash, Cheque, or Credit Card
In the Early Payment Discount box, enter a percent rate.