Employee Records Window
Adding employees to Sage 50 Accounting helps you keep track of basic information, such as the employee's hire date and the amount you have paid the employee over a year. It is also essential if you want to take advantage of Sage 50 Accounting Automatic Payroll calculations and Payroll Updates.
In the Employee Records window, you can add, modify, or remove information on the following tabs:
Record the employee's contact and other personal information, hire and termination dates, and department information.
Add the employee's mailing address
Select an employee's preferred language
Select an employee's type of employment and gender
Enter an employee's employment termination date
Enter ROE code in an employee's record
Assign a department to this employee
Assign a job category to this employee
Assign an expense group to this employee
Record an employee's tax information and turn on or off deductions for Employment Insurance, CPP or QPP, and Québec Parental Insurance Premiums.
Add or modify an employee's personal tax information
You can set up how Sage 50 Accounting calculates the amounts on your employee's paycheque.
Calculate accrued vacation pay
Records the deductions on an employee's paycheque.
Modify the settings used to calculate an employee's deductions
Records workers compensation and other expenses incurred by the employer.
Modify the Workers Compensation rate for an employee
Records the entitlements (like sick days) an employee receives, and the number of hours in a work day.
If you deposit the employee's paycheque directly into their bank account, enter their bank information in this tab.
Records any task or date-sensitive information about an employee.
Records any additional information (like commission percentages and emergency contacts) about an employee. You can make this information pop-up with every sales transaction or when you are processing their paycheque.
Add, change, or remove additional information in an employee's record
Show or hide an employee's Additional Information Note in transactions
Records any payroll information that appears on T4 or Relevé 1 slips.