Estimated Expenses & Revenue (Maintain Jobs)
To track estimated expenses and revenues for a particular job and provide comparisons against your actual costs/revenues, select the Estimated Expenses & Revenue tab in the Maintain Jobs window. These can be printed on reports.
Warning! If you are activating the Use Phases to track jobs in more detail option for a job that did not have phases before (Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher), you must note the existing figures for expenses and revenues before accessing this option. Sage 50 displays a table containing phases, cost codes, and other columns, so you can enter additional detail that will replace the original estimates.
Current Estimates: This is where you enter the estimates for the job.
- Estimated Revenues: Enter the revenues anticipated from this job.
Note: If you have selected a Billing Method of Percent of Proposal, you will not have access to the Estimated Revenues field. Sage 50 will fill this field based on accepted Proposals for the job. Tell me more about Proposals.
- Estimated Expenses: Enter the expenses (costs) anticipated from this job.
If you select the Use Phases to track jobs in more detail check box, Sage 50 displays a table where you can enter the following information about the phases of the job. A running total appears at the bottom of the window and is updated as you complete each line entry and press ENTER.
Note: Be aware that you cannot enter the same phase or phase/cost code more than once in the estimate. If you accidentally do so, use the Backspace button on the keyboard to remove the duplicate phase/cost code.
- Phase ID: Enter or select the phase ID to associate with the estimated revenue or expense.
- Cost Code: Enter or select the cost code to associate with the estimated revenue or expense for the phase. If you entered a phase ID that doesn't use cost codes, then this field is not available.
- # of Units: Enter the number of units used in this phase/cost code combination.
- Expenses: Enter the estimated expenses for this phase/cost code combination.
- Revenue: Enter the estimated revenues from this phase/cost code combination. If you do not want to track revenues by phase and/or cost code, create a phase code called Revenue, and use it for your job income.
Note: If you have selected a Billing Method of Percent of Proposal, you will not have access to the Estimated Revenues field. Sage 50 will fill this field based on accepted Proposals for the job. Phases and Cost Codes for which there are no accepted proposal amounts will display "No Proposals." Tell me more about Proposals.
Estimates History: This section appears if the job has change orders. It shows the original estimates and any changes that have been made to those estimates as a result of change orders.