Maintain Employees/Sales Reps
Use the Maintain Employees/Sales Reps window to enter, change, and store information about your company employees and sales representatives (reps).
Setting up a new employee
First, you should set up your default or common information using the Sage 50 Payroll Setup wizard. This automates part of the process of setting up employees and standard fields used in Payroll. Then you can set up individual employees/sales reps, including specific payment and withholding information, as well as beginning balances.
Enter employee beginning balances
Setting up common payroll deductions
To track payroll deductions for an employee, you will need to set up a number of payroll and deduction fields for him/her. Common deductions you may want to track include 401(k) plans, tip income, group health plans, fringe benefits, and bonus/commission payments for hourly employees. Common payroll deductions and how to set them up
If you just added benefits in the Payroll Settings wizard
If you just finished adding benefits in the Payroll Settings wizard, you may still need to add employee-specific settings for those benefits. Ask yourself this question for each benefit: Is there one standard percentage or amount for this benefit for every employee? If the answer is yes, then you shouldn't have to do anything else for that benefit; the Payroll Settings wizard sets up default or standard settings for the whole company. If, however, there are specific settings that have to be tailored for employees, follow the link below. Specific settings by employee
Adjusting vacation and sick-time information
You set up default or standard vacation and sick time policy for your company in Payroll Settings. If necessary, you can tweak those for individual employees on the Vacation/Sick Time tab.
Adjusting an employee's vacation or sick-time info
Setting up direct deposit employees
If your company is authorized to pay employees through the Sage 50 Direct Deposit service, you first need to set up your company and then set up individual employees for direct deposit. Once your company is set up, the Direct Deposit tab becomes available in the Maintain Employees/Sales Reps window. Here, you will enter bank account and other information needed to pay an employee through direct deposit. Set up a direct deposit employee
What are custom fields and how can I use them?
Custom fields let you track information that Sage 50 normally doesn't track. You set up the fields and input the data based on specific information that your business requires. Learn more about custom fields
How to set up and use custom fields
Help with specific fields or folders
If you need specific help with a field or a folder on the Maintain Employees/Sales Reps window, click on the area below. (Header fields are those fields above the folders on the window—ID, Name, Employee Type, and Inactive.)
Add an Attachment
You can attach files, such as Word or Excel documents, to an employee record. How do I add an attachment?