Hide General Ledger Accounts (Maintain Global Options)
Change account IDs while G/L accounts are hidden
Display G/L account fields in various task windows
To hide General Ledger (G/L) accounts in various task windows (making data entry easier and faster), select any of the Hide General Ledger Accounts check boxes on the Accounting tab of the Maintain Global Options window. The respective task windows in those areas will not display G/L account fields. These transactions will automatically use the default G/L accounts that you have set up.
You can hide G/L accounts in the following task areas:
- Accounts Receivable: Hides G/L accounts in the Quotes, Sales Orders, Proposals, Sales/Invoicing, Credit Memos, and Receive Money windows.
- Accounts Payable: Hides G/L accounts in the Purchase Orders, Purchases, Vendor Credit Memos, and Payments windows.
- Payroll: Hides G/L accounts in the Payroll Entry window.
For example, selecting the Accounts Receivable option changes the look of the Sales/Invoicing window. The A/R account field and each line item G/L account field are hidden. When you enter a sales invoice, the sales default G/L account set up for the customer in Maintain Customers/Prospects is used for the transaction. If you select an inventory item, the default G/L accounts set up in Maintain Inventory Items for this item are used.
If you have chosen the Hide General Ledger Accounts option, you can always access the transaction's G/L accounts by selecting the Journal button in various task windows.