User List Fields

Below is a listing of all fields on the User List tab of the Sage 50 User Security window.

The drop-down list lets you show different sets of users. You can choose to Show Users in All Companies or Users in This Company. If you choose to show all users in all Sage 50 companies, an asterisk will appear beside the user name of users that have access to companies other than the current one.

If the current user is a licensed user of Sage 50, this checkbox will be selected. Users who are not licensed will not have access to the Sage 50 program, so every user that you want to grant access must be licensed. If you want to unlicense a user at any time—to license another user instead, for example—just clear the Licensed box.

When you start granting new users security and access rights, Sage 50 will automatically license as many users as you have licenses for. For example, if you have five licenses according to your agreement, Sage 50 will automatically license the first five users for which you set up security/access rights.

This lists the user names of users that have been set up through Sage 50 user security. If you choose to show all users in all Sage 50 companies, an asterisk will appear beside names of users that have access to companies other than the current one.

This column shows the access levels that have been set for Sage 50 users. Access levels are set through the Selected Access window.

User Roles: Security Access Levels

You can select the following access levels. These levels affect the areas of the Sage 50 program that users can access, as well as the extent of access available.

  • No Access: The user cannot open any Sage 50 window within the program area. Menu options related to the program area or window will be disabled.
  • View Only: The user can display the program area or specified Sage 50 window or view existing data but cannot enter a new record or change existing data.
  • Add: The user can display the program area or specified Sage 50 window and add new records or transactions.
  • Edit: The user can display the program area or specified Sage 50 window, add new records or transactions, and maintain (edit) existing data.
  • Full Access: The user can display the program area or specified Sage 50 window, add new records or transactions, maintain (edit) existing data, and delete data. Full access also allows the ability to perform specified system functions.

If a listed user has access to another company but not the current one (the user name is marked with an asterisk), this column will read No access. It will also have a blue Add user to this company link. If you want to grant this user access to the current company, click the link. How do I set up users?

Select this if you want to add a new user for the current company. The User Rights window or User Roles window (Sage 50 Quantum Accounting) will appear. Here, you can enter the user name and password and tell Sage 50 what level of access or user role (Sage 50 Quantum Accounting) you want the user to have.

If you want to change the access rights of an existing user, select that user in the grid at the center of the User Security window, and then select the Edit User's Rights button. The User Rights window will appear, and you can change settings as needed.

You can copy all the security access settings from one Sage 50 user to another. Select the appropriate user in the grid at the center of the User Security window, and then select the Copy User button.

The User Rights window will appear, asking you to enter a user name and password for the new user. Enter them, and click OK to add the new user to the system.

Select this to remove the access rights of a user appearing in the User Security window. This will remove access rights only for the current company. If the user has access rights to other Sage 50 companies, that access won't be affected.

Select the appropriate user in the grid at the center of the User List tab in the User Security window, and then select the Delete User button. A message will appear asking you if you really want to delete this user. Click Yes.

Reset Password

If you are logged in as the Administrator in Sage 50, you can reset a user's password. You can even email the user a temporary password; they would then need to change their password the next time they logged in.

What makes a good password?

Passwords must be at least seven characters. They must contain both numbers and letters. It's a good practice to include both upper- and lower-case letters, although this is not required. An example of a strong password: MLsmith707.

A good password should be easy for you to remember, but difficult for someone else to guess.

Email password to user?

If you logged in as the Admin, and Outlook is installed, the option to email the user their password displays. Check the box to send the user a temporary password. The first time they log in, they would need to change their password.

Resetting the Administrator password

Passwords for the Sage 50 Administrator have slightly different rules. You have a set amount of login attempts before you get locked out. If you should get locked out as the Administrator, you have to contact Sage customer support for access (and to reset your password). Or, another Admin user can unlock you, if you have set up more than one Administrator user in this company.

How passwords work in Sage 50

After user names and passwords are set up, Sage 50 prompts each user for a user name and password when they open a company. As long as users properly enter their passwords, they can access the areas of the program to which they have rights.

In the unfortunate event that you lose your Administrator user name or password and no one else can open the Sage 50 company, contact Sage Customer Support.

Password Options

If you are logged in as the Sage 50 Administrator, you can choose to have passwords automatically expire in a specified number of days or weeks. Three days before the time limit you set is reached, users will receive a message upon logging in Sage 50 that they must reset their password.

From the User Security window, select the Password Options button.

Passwords expire after: Check this box if you want users to periodically reset their passwords. Then, specify the number of weeks or days passwords will last before they must be reset. (This is calculated based on your computer's system date.)

Automatically lock out users...: You can choose to automatically lock users out when they unsuccessfully try to log on. If you choose to do this, you can also specify how many times they try before being locked out.

If you choose to lock users out after unsuccessful login attempts, you can choose to let them log in again after a specified time interval, or make it mandatory that the Administrator must unlock them.

Important! Administrators will always be able to log in again after 5 minutes no matter what option is set here. There may be tasks that can only be performed by an Administrator and it could be a problem if the Administrator is locked out for a long period of time. This also prevents problems that could arise if an Administrator must unlock locked out users, but there is only one Administrator who is currently locked out.

Users cannot reuse their previous four passwords: Check this box to prevent users from using a password they have used for their last four passwords. Implementing this policy makes it more difficult for someone to access your data, in case they knew or had obtained a recent password. It also helps with PCI compliance.

Roles for This Company (Sage 50 Quantum Accounting)

This column shows the roles that have been set for users of a Sage 50 company. Roles are set through the Role Setup window.

  • If a user has been made inactive (in the User Roles window), this column will read Inactive.
  • If a listed user has access to another company but not the current one (the user name is marked with an asterisk), this column will read No access. It will also have a blue Add user to this company link. If you want to grant this user access to the current company, click the link. How do I set up users?

Edit User's Roles (Sage 50 Quantum Accounting)

If you want to change a user's password and/or role(s), select that user in the grid at the center of the User's List tab in the User Security window, and then select the Edit User's Roles button. The User Roles window will appear, and you can make changes as needed.

View User's Rights (Sage 50 Quantum Accounting)

If you want see what company access rights a user has rather than edit those rights, first select the user in the grid at the center of the User List tab of the User Security window. Then click View User's Rights. The Role Setup window will appear showing you the user's access rights; you won't be able to change those rights.