Apply Reimbursable Expense Description

When you select the Detail button in either the Apply Tickets/Reimbursable Expenses window (Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher) or the Apply Reimbursable Expenses window (Sage 50 Pro Accounting), description information appears based on the selected item.

Note: This information is for viewing purposes only. You cannot edit anything in the Detail window.

Reimbursable Expenses (Purchase Invoice): Selecting Detail displays the vendor ID and name, the purchase invoice number and date, and the line item description.

Reimbursable Expenses (Payment): Selecting Detail displays the vendor ID and name, the check number and date and the line item payment description.

Reimbursable Expenses (Paycheck): Selecting Detail displays the employee ID and name, the paycheck number, and date.

Reimbursable Expenses (General Journal Entry): Selecting Detail displays the General Journal reference number, date, and line item description.