Select Employees to Pay

This window allows you to pay employees in a batch or group. If you selected the wrong batch or group of employees, you can return to the filter window by clicking Select at the top of the window.

  • Click Detail to display the Paycheck Detail window for the employee. If you don't subscribe to a plan that includes payroll you will need to do this to enter the taxes and other deductions for each employee's check.
  • To print a "pre-check" register that lists all payments that you have currently selected in the window, click the drop-down arrow next to the Print button, and then select the Report option. The pre-check register is a list of employee paychecks that will be printed when you select the Print button. You can use this preview report to examine paycheck detail, approve selected employee checks, and prepare the check order before the checks are actually printed and posted.

Note: If you select Close on this window, no paychecks will be printed or posted. You will lose all the selections you just made.