Enter Manual Paychecks

Manual paychecks are paychecks that will not be calculated within Sage 50. If you have historical payroll that needs to be recorded (the employees have already been paid), you would enter manual paychecks. If you do not subscribe to a plan that includes payroll, you have to manually enter your paychecks.

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Payroll Entry. Sage 50 displays the Payroll Entry window.
  2. Select the employee you want to pay. To display a list of existing employees, type ? in the Employee ID field, or select the Lookup button.
  3. When filling out the check, enter the check number if this check has already been printed or if you don't want to print this check from Sage 50.
  4. Make sure the distributions are calculated correctly if you are creating a new paycheck or entered correctly if you are recording a paycheck that has already been paid.
  5. Click Save when you're finished to record the transaction and update the employee file.