Set Up Sage 50 to Generate Email Messages When Alert Conditions Occur

Follow these steps to compose email messages that are generated by Sage 50 alerts.

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Action Items. Sage 50 displays the Action Items window.
  2. Select the Alerts tab.

    The current Sage 50 system date appears along with existing items that meet the alert condition separately, the condition that is being monitored, and the date that email was sent.

  3. To set up email properties for alerts, click the Alert button at the top of the window. Sage 50 displays the Set Company Alerts window.
  4. If you have already set up the alert and want to add an email message to the alert, click the Email check box next to the alert. If you have not set up an alert, go to Set Up Company Alerts for more information.
  5. Once you have selected the Email check box, you need to fill in the email information at the bottom of the window.

  6. Complete the following information, as needed.
  7. To: Type the email address of the person or company you want to send this email alert to.

    Cc: Type the email address of the person or company you want to send a copy of this email alert to.

    Bcc: Type the email address of the person or company you want to send a copy of this email alert to. The email address that is entered in this field will be hidden from others who receive the message.

    If you type more than one address, separate each address with a semi-colon. To use previously entered addresses, click the To Address button, next to the field to select email addresses from the Address Book.

    Subject: Type the topic of the message. For example, you might use "Inventory Reorder" as the subject if you set up an alert to notify you when inventory items need to be reordered.

    Standard Message: Click the Standard Message check box to include a Sage 50-generated standard message in your email. The contents of the message is displayed next to the check box. Items in the standard message that appear as variables (<account>) will be replaced by transaction specific information when the email message is generated.

    Email Note: If you want to include a comment or note in this message, click the Email Note check box. Then, type the note in the space provided. For example, you might want to include a note to your inventory clerk, if you set up an alert to notify you when inventory items need to be reordered.

  8. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for every email alert you want to set up. When you have finished, click OK.