Generate Email Messages When Alert Conditions Occur

When an alert condition occurs in Sage 50, that alert is listed on the Alert tab of the Action Items window. You can notify the responsible party about the alert by generating and sending them an email message. Use this procedure to generate email messages automatically based on alert conditions that currently exist in your company data and email properties you have set up for each alert.

Note: Email alert messages are generated in batch mode. You cannot select one alert and generate an email message only for that item.

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Action Items.
  2. In the Action Items window, select the Alerts tab.
  3. To generate alert messages, click Email.
  4. If the Email button is not available (appears gray), one or both of the following conditions are possible:

    • Email alert properties have not been established for alerts listed on the Alerts tab. Learn how to set up email properties for alerts.
    • All alerts listed on the Alerts tab have been emailed. (A date is listed in the Date Emailed field.)

    If the Email button is available continue with step 4.

  5. Sage 50 displays a message that informs you of the number of email messages that will be generated and asks if you want to create the messages now. If you want to generate the email messages at a later time, click No, otherwise, continue with step 5.
  6. Click Yes to generate the messages now.
  7. The messages are generated and Sage 50 asks if you want to update the Date Emailed field for each message.

  8. Click Yes to update the Date Emailed field. Each alert will be updated with today's date in the Date Emailed field. Once the Date Emailed field has been updated, you will notice that the Email button is no longer available.

Note: If you are using a multiuser version of Sage 50, you may notice slight behavior differences when you generate email messages. For example, if one user generates email messages and at the same time another user causes an alert condition to be met, two things will happen. 1. The Date Emailed field will be updated because the first user generated messages. AND 2. A new alert will be added to the list and the Email button will be available because the second user caused an alert condition to be met. So, the first user may need to generate email messages for the new alert.