Sage 50 Setup Guide - Inventory and Service Items

Setting up your company's inventory involves three tasks: setting up inventory defaults, setting up data records for the items your company purchases and sells, and entering inventory beginning balances. So before you begin the process, you should assemble general information about the items that your company deals in. This includes the following for each item:

You should also be ready to supply information about the following:

Important! As part of setting up an item record in Sage 50, you enter both an abbreviated code called an ID and a longer description that will help you identify the item. For example, you could set up a item ID "RATCHETL" and a description such as "Left-handed kitchen ratchet." IDs can be a useful shorthand if you establish a meaningful and efficient coding system. Tell me more about using a coding system to set up record IDs.

We recommend you review the topics listed below. They will familiarize you with some of the choices you need to make before setting up inventory.

Inventory Defaults

Item Records

Inventory Beginning Balances