Item Attributes (Maintain Inventory Items)

To set up master stock items and create related substock items, select the Item Attributes tab in the Maintain Inventory Items window. To create a master stock item, you enter the item ID and description and then select Master Stock Item as the item class.

Primary Attributes: These are sets of item characteristics that you designate as primary ones. Attributes could include size, length, color, price range, and so forth.

Secondary Attributes: These are sets of item characteristics that you designate as secondary ones. Attributes could include size, length, color, price range, and so forth.

Created Substock Items: Once you save a new master stock item, this table lists by item ID all substock items generated from the master. The table displays the primary and secondary attributes that govern each substock item, the quantity on hand for each listed item, and whether or not each item is active.