Available in Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher.
Time Ticket Weekly Entry (Time Tickets)
The Time Ticket Weekly Timesheet Entry window provides an alternative method to entering and maintaining individual time tickets using a weekly timesheet format. The weekly time sheet displays all the time tickets for a selected employee or vendor based on the Week Including date (Monday through Sunday that corresponds to the selected date). Each unit duration entered under a daily column represents an individual time ticket for a given activity item, customer, job, administrative task, billing status, and billing rate.
Note: Time tickets saved with zero durations will appear in the weekly time sheet with a value of 0.00.
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You can enter new time-ticket durations or maintain existing ones using the weekly timesheet. The advantage to using the weekly time sheet over entering individual time tickets is that you can quickly enter or edit a group of time tickets for an employee or vendor. However, not all the time-ticket functions are available on the Weekly Timesheet Entry window. For instance, if you want to enter a note or use the timer for a specific time ticket, you must use the individual Time Ticket window.

If you want to edit a ticket, you can simply open the Weekly Timesheet Entry window and change the information. However, if a given field cannot be changed here, you can edit the actual ticket that was created.

To delete an existing ticket using the Weekly Timesheet Entry window, you must delete the individual ticket. To do so,
- Select Lists, Time/Expense, Time Tickets from the main menubar.
- Highlight the ticket you want to delete.
- Double-click it to open it in the Time Tickets window.
- Click Delete in the toolbar.
- Click OK..

You can quickly print a weekly timesheet for an employee or vendor from the Weekly Timesheet Entry window.

You can control which day of the week appears first in the Weekly Timesheet grid. To do so
- Click the Settings button in the toolbar.
- Select the day of the week that you want.
- Click OK.

You can add a description for each ticket created in the Weekly Timesheet Entry window. This description can then print on the sales invoice. To add a description