Available in Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher.
Phases are simply a distinct part of a job. They give you an additional level of detail in a job. You do NOT have to use them to use Sage 50's Job Costing feature. However, they are available if you want to track your job-related expenses in more detail.
Before defining phases, you may want to think about the various stages of the different jobs that your company performs and then break them down into specific parts, parts that apply to most or all of your jobs. These would be your phases.

A landscaping job
This could be divided into
- Grading
- Planting
- Maintenance
These would be your phases.
A catering job
This could be classified into
- cooking
- delivery
- arranging the food
A graphics design job
You could set up phases for:
- Design
- Graphics
- Photography
- Copywriting
- Typesetting
- Printing
You can use phases alone, or you can use phases with cost codes (these usually define distinct costs associated with a phase, such as materials, labor, or equipment). If your phases have associated costs that you want to track separately, you should use cost codes in phases. Tell me more about cost codes. The level of detail is up to you, however.
Related topics
Setting up a job ID with phases
Setting up a job ID with phases and cost codes
Using cost types with cost codes in phases