Available in Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher.
Maintain Item Prices

You can recalculate a group of selected price levels and items based on default-level calculations you set up in Inventory Item Defaults, or using item-level calculations you set up in Maintain Inventory Items.
To display additional record information about an item listed, click the Detail button.
Note: The information displayed is for information purposes only and cannot be changed.

To print a report of your proposed price adjustments, simply select the Print button. When the Print dialog appears, click OK.

The Maintain Item Prices window displays the following fields:
Select which levels to adjust
By default, all levels are checked. Clear those levels you do not want to recalculate prices for.
Select method of adjustment
Level's current calculation and new cost information: If this option is chosen, selected price levels and items that use cost or level one in calculating the price are recalculated based on the current cost or the updated level-one price. Recalculations using this option look at any item-level calculations you have set up (in Maintain Inventory Items).
If price level one is selected as a level to adjust, the value for price level one is recalculated first and new prices for the fields that reference level one are then recalculated.
Level's default calculation: If this option is chosen, each price level and item selected are recalculated using the calculation in Inventory Item Defaults. Any customized calculations you may have set up for individual items (in Maintain Inventory Items) are overridden.
Calculation selected below: If this option is chosen, any existing calculations for the selected price levels and items are overridden, based on the parameters you choose here.
Item List
Sage 50 displays items based on your filter selection. You can also manually change item prices, if desired.
Note: If the range of items you have chosen includes master stock
and substock items, these will be listed in alphabetical order. They will not appear in the master/substock hierarchical arrangement they have in the item ID lookup list of task windows, such as the Sales/Invoicing window, where you can choose the item you want.
You will be able to change prices independently for any master stock item as well as any substock item that is listed in the Maintain Item Prices window.
Item/Description: The item ID and description appear here. To change the listed items, click the Select (Items) toolbar button.
Last Cost: This displays the last unit cost recorded for the item.
New Price/Price Level: The new price per price level will be the same until you manually change the item price or select a New Price option and click the Recalculate button.
Select: Select the check box next to each item for which you want to change item prices, or use the All or None button to select all items or none. (All are selected by default.)

Sage 50 offers a number of ways to determine the quantity of items you have in stock. There is no need to run out of an item before ordering again!