Info (Maintain Employees/Sales Reps)
To enter information about the employee's pay rates, frequency of pay, and whether the employee is hourly or salaried, select the Pay Info tab in the Maintain Employees/Sales Reps window. Help me set up a salaried employee.

There are several methods by which to pay employees during payroll entry. Learn more.

Select weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, monthly, or annually for frequency of paychecks. This information is used to calculate payroll checks.

Hours Per Pay Period is a set number of hours the employee works in a payroll period. Learn more.

This is the description of the payroll field name. Set up this information using the Pay Levels tab the Employee Defaults window.

Select this check box if you want to use the G/L account that is set up in the Pay Types section of the Payroll Settings window. If the Use Defaults check box isn't selected, you can change the G/L account number.

This defaults from the Pay Levels tab of the Employee Defaults window. If you want to change this, and the amount, clear the Use Defaults check box.

You can change the rate amount for hourly and salaried employees. The rate for salaried employees depends on the pay frequency you selected.
Note: If you are using Time & Billing(Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher), defined pay levels must contain an established pay rate to be available when entering employee time tickets. If a pay level contains an undefined rate, that pay level will not be available for selection on a time ticket, and the time ticket will not be available to use in payroll.

To enter or view the performance review history for an employee, select the Performance Reviews button. Learn more.

To enter the compensation history for an employee record, select the Raise History button. Learn more.

Check this box if this employees qualifies for health insurance.

Check this box if the employee prefers you to email her W-2.

Static fields appear at the bottom of the tab for salaried employees. The Total Salary field shows the total salary per pay period based on the pay frequency and salary rate. The Annual Salary field shows the total salary to be paid to the employee annually.
For an explanation of pay frequency and an example of how it is used to calculate salary totals, see Enter Pay Info for a Salaried Employee.