Available in Sage 50 Quantum Accounting.
Units/Measures Fields
The following field information is intended to assist those who design reports for Sage 50 using Crystal Reports.
UNITMEAS.DAT is the Units/Measures file. The information below is entered or displayed in the Maintain Units/Measures window.
- To add Sage 50 Units/Measures fields to your Crystal reports, select UNITMEAS.DAT.
Indexes and Their Uses
The file has the following keys:
0 = uacckeyByUniqueKey. Keyed by fields: U/M Guid.
1 = uacckeyById. Keyed by fields: U/M ID.
2 = uacckeyByDesc. Keyed by fields: U/M Description.
3 = uacckeyByInact_Id. Keyed by fields: Inactive, U/M ID.
4 = uacckeyByInact_Desc. Keyed by fields: Inactive, U/M Description.
The following table shows the fields available in the UNITMEAS.DAT file and includes the type and size in number of bytes of each field.
Field Name |
Type |
Size |
Comment |
UBinary |
GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) used for linking the UnitMeas table. |
ZString |
20 |
U/M ID entered on the Maintain Units/Measures window. |
Inactive |
Integer |
1 |
The Inactive check box on the Maintain Units/Measures window. 0 = the Unit/Measure record is active (unchecked). 1 = the Unit/Measure record is inactive (checked). |
UMDescription |
ZString |
30 |
U/M Description entered in the Description field on the Maintain Units/Measures window. |
NoStockingUnits |
Float |
Number of Stocking Units that make up this Unit/Measure as entered in the Maintain Units/Measures window. |
LastUpdateCounter |
Integer |
This increases incrementally when the record is changed. |