Bracket Window (Payment Manager)

How Do I...

This lists in the Payment Manager the invoices due for vendors for a particular aging bracket. If you want to see all the invoices for a particular vendor in that aging bracket, either double-click the vendor's name in the box or select a vendor from the list, and choose the Vendor button.

The information on this window is view only:

Age: This is how many days the invoice is overdue. If the number is a negative, the invoice is not overdue.

Name: This is the name of the vendor.

Ref: This is the number that was given to the purchase at the time it was created.

Document Date: This is the date the purchase was made.

Discount Date: This is the last date for which you will receive a discount from the vendor.

Due Date: This is the date the payment is due.

Total Amount: This is the total amount of the invoice.

Pay: Select this check box to choose the invoices to pay. After you select the invoices you want to pay, select the Check button at the top of the window. If you select an invoice to pay, the check written will be for the entire amount due. If you want to pay part of the invoice, use Payments from the Tasks menu.

When you're done, you can select the Print button to print the check.