Set Up Bank Feeds

Setting up Bank Feeds consists of searching for your bank, entering your banking information, and then turning on the feed.1

To set up Bank Feeds:

Note: You need your online banking information.

  1. In the Home window, click Apps & Services on the navigation pane.

    Note: You can access this service on the Banking tab by right-clicking the Match Bank Transactions icon and select Match Transactions.

  2. Click Bank Feeds.
  3. Select your bank.

    Note: You can also search for a bank.

  4. Enter your banking credentials and select the account.

    Note: If you change to a different account, you may have to re-enter your banking credentials again.

  5. Choose a Start date for your historical transactions. The system will attempt to download historical transactions as of that date.
  6. Click Process.

To get transactions from your bank:

  1. In the Home window, click Banking on the navigation pane.
  2. In the Tasks pane, right-click the Match Bank Transactions icon and select Match Transactions.
  3. Click Get Transactions.