Sales Window
Called the Sales, Orders, and Quotes window, if you have turned on the order and quote features for customers. In the Sales, Orders, and Quotes window, you can record a sales quote, sales order, or sales invoice.
Select the transaction you want help with:

Select a task you want help with:
Change the sales tax amount charged on transaction
Change the tax code applied to an item on an invoice
Allocate invoice item amounts to a project
Add a time
slip amount to an invoice
Add shipment tracking information to an order or invoice
Add additional information to an invoice
Display the Revenues Transaction Detail report
Print a
packing slip for an invoice
Export an invoice to a Sage 50 Accounting User
Import an invoice from a Sage 50 Accounting User
Change print options for invoices
Look up the credit card information used in a sales invoice
Find the keyboard shortcuts for invoices
Find the keyboard shortcut to open the form option settings for packing slips
Change the terminology Sage 50 Accounting uses for sales invoices

Select a task you want help with:
Change the sales tax amount charged on an order
Change the tax code applied to an item on an order
Allocate an ordered item amount to a project
Add shipment tracking information to an order
Add additional information to an order
Display the Revenues Transaction Detail report
Export an order to a Sage 50 Accounting User
Import an order from a Sage 50 Accounting User
Change print options for orders
Convert a sales order into an invoice
Find the keyboard shortcuts for orders
Change the terminology Sage 50 Accounting uses for sales orders

Select a task you want help with:
Change the sales tax amount charged on a quote
Change the tax code applied to an item on a quote
Allocate a quoted item amount to a project
Add shipment tracking information to a quote
Display the Revenues Transaction Detail report
Export a quote to a Sage 50 Accounting User
Import a quote from a Sage 50 Accounting User
Change print options for quotes
Save a recurring quote transaction
Open a recurring quote transaction
Convert a quote to an order or invoice
Find the keyboard shortcuts for quotes
Change the terminology Sage 50 Accounting uses for sales quotes