Transactions & Reporting > Sales (Money In) > Customer Records > Change the Default Sales Tax Code Used for a Customer
Change the Default Sales Tax Code Used for a Customer

Make sure the sales tax code you want to use is set up in your company settings. To check, in the Home window, on the Setup menu, choose Settings. Click on Company, and then Sales Taxes, followed by Tax Codes. The tax code you're planning to use should be displayed in the table. If not, create a sales tax code.
To change the default sales tax code used for a customer:
- Open the Taxes tab in the customer record.
- In the Home window, click Customers & Sales on the navigation pane.
- In the Tasks pane, right-click the Customers icon and select Modify Customer from the menu.
- Select a customer from the list and click OK.
- Click the Taxes tab.
- From the drop-down list of tax codes, select the tax code you want to use as this customer's default tax code.
- Click Save and Close.