Add or Modify an Employee's T4 or RL-1 Report Information

Some of the report information is displayed automatically in the employee's record when you process their paycheques. However, you can make the following modifications before submitting a T4 or Relevé 1 slip.

To add or modify an employee's T4 or RL-1 report information:

  1. Open the employee's record.
  2. On the T4 and RL-1 Reporting tab, you can make the following modifications:
  3. Information on the T4 and RL-1 Reporting tab
    To add or modify: Do the following:
    Employment insurance earnings Modify the employee's insurable income for the year. If you are entering data in historical mode, enter this employee's previous insurable earnings.
    Pensionable earnings (Canada Pension Plan or Quebec Pension Plan) Enter or modify the employee's CPP or QPP pensionable earnings for the year.
    If you are entering data in the historical mode, enter this employee's previous pensionable earnings. If you leave this box blank, Sage 50 Accounting will not calculate pensionable earnings and will enter a zero value in Box 26 on T4s and leave Box G blank on RL-1s.
    Quebec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP) The box displays the employee's QPIP insurable earnings. If you need to, enter an amount paid to date for the current year.
    Registered Pension Plan (RPP) or Deferred Profit Sharing Plan (DPSP) number If the employee belongs to a Registered Pension Plan or a Deferred Profit Sharing Plan, enter the plan number that should be printed on employee T4 slips.
    Pension adjustments If required, enter the pension adjustment amount that will print on the employee's T4 slip.
    T4 Employment Code Select a code from this box if one applies to the employee. It will appear in Box 29 on the employee's T4 slip.
    Dental Benefits For 2023 and after, select an option to indicate if the employee has access to dental benefits and which type of coverage. Dental benefits and coverage appear in Box 45 on the employee's T4 slip. This information is not applicable for 2022 and prior years.
  4. Click Save and Close.