Available in Sage 50 Quantum Accounting and higher.

Serial Numbers Report

This report provides the transaction history for items that have serial numbers. The numbers are grouped by item and the report provides the following information:

  • Serial Number. The item's serial number.
  • Status. The item's availability. Has it been sold? Transferred to another location? Adjusted out of inventory?
  • Location. The location at which the item is stored. This column does not appear if you have turned off multiple locations. (Sage 50 Premium Accounting)
  • Source. The number of the transaction(s) in which the item was included.
  • Transaction Type. The kind of transaction in which the item was used. For example, Sale. If this column says "None," it means that the unit was on-hand when you turned on serialization for this inventory item.
  • Date. The date of the transaction. If this column is blank, it means that the unit was on-hand when you turned on serialization for this inventory item.

If an item is removed from inventory using the same transaction with which it was brought into inventory (for example, you reverse an invoice because the item was returned to the manufacturer) the serial number will no longer appear in the report.

You can drill down to the transaction window for any line in the report. If the item's Transaction Type is "None," the item's Serial Number window opens.

To display this report, in the Home Window, open the Report Centre, select Inventory & Services, Inventory Serial Numbers, and then click Create.