Find on Report

How do I

Use this window to search for text within a report or financial statement.

  1. With a report or financial statement displayed, select the Find button. Sage 50 displays the Find on Report window.
  2. In the Find what text box, enter the text you want to locate.
  3. Note: Sage 50 stores the last 20 values you entered in the Find what text box. You can choose one of your previously entered values by selecting it from the drop-down list. The list is stored until you close Sage 50.

  4. Select the Search forward or Search backward option.
  5. If you want your search to be case sensitive, select the Match case check box. Sage 50 will search only for text that matches the case of whatever you enter in the Find what text box. For example, if you enter "SMITH" in all capital letters and select Match case, Sage 50 will search for any occurrence of "SMITH" in all capital letters. It will not search for "smith" or "Smith."
  6. Select the Use wildcards check box if you'd like to use wildcards in your search. For more information, see the topic about wildcards in the Learn More section below.
  7. If you want to search for a complete word, select the Find complete words only check box. For example, if you have this option selected and you enter "age" in the Find what text box, only the word "age" will be located-- not "Sage" or "aged."
  8. Click the Find Next button to start your search. Sage 50 will locate and highlight the first instance of text that matches what you entered in the Find what text box.
  9. To find additional text, click the Find Next button.
  10. When finished, click the Cancel button to close the Find on Report window.