Payroll Tax Report

How do I

Payroll Tax report shows the employee's gross pay, taxable (adjusted) gross, and the amount of tax for a specified type of payroll deduction: FICA, FUTA, MEDICARE, and so on. This report is mainly used for employer payroll taxes: for example, state unemployment. Using the information printed on this form, you can prepare most (or all) state payroll tax returns.

Note: This report uses payroll formulas to calculate the amounts. You must subscribe to a Sage Business Care plan in order to use payroll formulas to run this report. Otherwise, the report will not show any data. You may run this report for any years in which you had a subscription to a Sage 50 Payroll Solution even if you are not currently subscribed.


Select the Options button to determine the data criteria for the reports you want to see or print. For this report Sage 50 displays the following filter options:

  • Quarter: Select which quarter you want to print the payroll tax information for.
  • Sort by: You can sort by employee ID or employee name.
  • Select a filter: First, select a filter on the left. Then, define the options for that filter on the right. The options differ based on the filter selected. Tell me more about the types of filter options.
  • Tax ID: Select the Payroll tax you want to see.


Select the Columns link to choose which data fields to include and where the columns break on your report. Tell me more about choosing report fields.


Select the Fonts link to set the font styles for the heading and body of the report. You can also have the titles of the report show special codes, such as the current period, today's date, an as-of date, and the company name. Tell me more about formatting reports.

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