General Ledger Trial Balance (Report)

How do I

The General Ledger Trial Balance shows each account and its balance as of the date or period you select.


Select the Options button to determine the data criteria for the reports you want to see or print. For this report Sage 50 displays the following filter options:

  • Dates: Select to run the report for a specific period, a specific date, or today.

Warning! If you choose a date range that contains purged transactions, the information on the report may not be correct. Purged transactions can only exist in closed years.

Prior to the 2009 release, data from closed years was not retained for reporting purposes. If you choose a date range that includes years that were closed in a release of the product that was earlier than 2009, the information on the report may not be correct.

  • Sort by: You can sort by account ID or description.
  • Select a filter: First, select a filter on the left. Then, define the options for that filter on the right. The options differ based on the filter selected. Tell me about the types of filter options.
  • Include Accounts with Zero Amounts: Checking this will include accounts with nothing in them.


Select the Columns link to choose which data fields to include and where the columns break on your report. Tell me more about choosing report fields.


Select the Fonts link to set the font styles for the heading and body of the report. You can also have the titles of the report show special codes, such as the current period, today's date, an as-of date, and the company name. Tell me more about formatting reports.

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